FlashPoint: NRB Live Special | The Awakening & Ukraine Update (March 10, 2022​)



• to find again or obtain the return of (something lost)

• to regain (loss of money, position, time, etc.); recoup

• to regain (health, spirits, composure, etc.), after illness, a setback, or a shock, etc.

• to regain (a former and usually better condition)

• to get back control or possession of (land) by military conquest or legal action (definitions via The Free Dictionary)

I heard the Lord say, "These are the days of recovery. Yes, these are the days of refreshing. These are the days I am turning back the clock on your life and restoring what was lost. These are the days of taking back the ground that fell out from underneath your feet. These are the days of going back to go forward – the cutting away to unveil the new.   Continue Reading >>>

Flashpoint: Great Reformation & Change is Coming! | Sebastian Gorka & Lee Greenwood (March 8, 2022)

The Courage to Change

Samuel Johnson said, “Unless a man has courage, he has no security for preserving any other virtue.” Courage is the basic virtue. Of what use is wisdom if you don’t have the courage to act wisely? Of what value is love if you don’t have the courage to love? Of what importance is truth if you don’t have the courage to speak it? Of what consequence is faith without the courage to embrace it? Courage activates all other goodness. It also requires honesty. It takes courage to confront the truth of our unmanageable lives and then admit it. It takes courage to surrender our lives and wills to God. To face our moral life and honestly take our inventory and then admit our findings to another human being. To make our best efforts to make amends, continue our inventory, maintain our conscious contact with God — all of it takes Courage. We can be courageous because we do not walk alone. We are with one another and God. It is knowing that we have the support and friendship of our companions that supplies the courage we often lack. The apostle Paul experienced this as a prisoner awaiting trial and possible death. His friends traveled quite a distance to visit him, and “at the sight of these men Paul thanked God and was encouraged.” — A. PHILIP PARHAM PRAYER: Christ, increase my courage. Strengthen my will to walk with you bravely. May I be encouraged by my friends. Taken from NIV Recovery Devotional Bible



Week #84 - Deliver Us from Foolishness - Karen Hardin

eb5c0192-0a19-450b-89f8-78ba6b073b53.jpgDear City Intercessor,

We need to see a massive leadership transfer from the unrighteous to the righteous. From those who do not fear God to those who honor Him. From those who are unqualified to those who are able to fill the positions based on skill, knowledge and wisdom—and wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord. This is a prayer we need to pray over our cities, states and our nation.

Recently the Biden administration appointed someone described as a “non-binary drag queen” as the new head of the Department of Energy. The pics above are of this man, Sam Brinton. 

REVELATION PROJECT - Chapter 21 (Video) is Now Online - John G. Elliott

Click Here: 

This is one of the most beloved chapters in the Bible. So much hope - so much encouragement. I hope you will watch and listen soon.

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Lord, we pray for you to give us eyes to see and ears to hear. When the crowd demands we follow their path, help us always move in your direction, even if it’s the opposite way of what’s declared by the majority.

“You see, the point is that the strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.” This quote, from an 1882 play titled An Enemy of the People, carries much weight when measured on a scale in 2022. After all, at this point in history haven’t so many of us stood alone when it comes to trumpeting the truth? Whether it’s defending the unborn, medical freedom, election integrity or the sovereignty of our borders, we are living in a time where we are labeled as “enemies of the people” for simply refusing to bow down to agendas that are often fraught with lies and corruption.

Henrik Ibsen published An Enemy of the People 140 years ago, but the pages of this dramatic tale speak a message for the here and now. The play tells the story of an altruistic doctor who exposes a terrible truth that nobody wants to hear about, or take responsibility for. Ibsen, who has been called the father of modern drama, uses this play to shed light on what happens when politics and money overtake honesty, integrity, and moral courage.

As I read the play, I couldn’t help but see the similarities to what’s going on around the world today as it pertains to the Covid pandemic, and the public response to it. As I describe the plot of this gripping tale, see how many parallels you can identify.   Continue Reading >>>


Lord, we thank you for the power of prayer. We pray that we would continue to lean on You in every situation. Pull us deeper into You, Lord. We need you more than anything this world has to offer us!

According to a recent interview from CNBC, Bill Gates stated, “We’ll have another pandemic. It will be a different pathogen next time.”

Righteous indignation arose in me.  I knew we didn’t have to accept his proclamation. We can change the narrative.

We are not yet on the other side of this last man-made variant as Gates attempts to prophesy the next.

The same holds true with what we see transpiring in Ukraine. Even as we hear of the tragic loss of life from Putin’s invasion, we see God at work as Ukrainian believers and Russian believers alike unite in prayer for God’s intervention.

The Ukraine Taskforce and Pastor Igor in Lviv shared, “Please tell your people, because of their prayers, God really fights our battles. The rockets disappear in the air, without reaching our homes and no one knows where they went. Enemy tanks run out of fuel. Russian troops have gotten lost and ask our locals for food and for directions. That is definitely God because we are dealing with the second strongest army in the world. Kyiv and other major cities are still free. Thank you for your prayers.”   Continue Reading >>>

Recently, I have been hearing these words in my spirit: "For the set time to favor her has come." God sets the timing for favor to be released according to His purposes and for specific seasons. The Body of Christ is being established, now, and positioned by God into a new sphere of supernatural favor to accomplish His plan and His will in the season ahead!

A New Breed of Saints Arises

The enemy is counteracting with fierce warfare against the people of God, and we can easily miss the movement that is breaking us out by becoming distracted by our personal warfare. This is a year that requires a new breed of saints to arise; who will accept nothing less than their full inheritance and press in the spirit toward the open door that is before them! The bones are coming together; an army is arising as the breath of God blows on us this year!  Continue Reading >>>


FlashPoint: Pray & Stand, Discerning Our Times | Dr. Ben Carson and more! (March 3, 2022​)

Recently, I heard the Lord speaking over many, "I am reinstating the warrior within you." I felt strongly to look up the definition of "REINSTATE," and here is what I found:

REINSTATE: To restore someone or something to their former position or state

SYNONYMS: restore, put back, replace, bring back, reinstitute, reinstall, re-establish

As I sat with the Lord, I had a vision. I saw SO many had been in such an intense battle over the past few years; the enemy thought he had taken them out completely. They also felt like they were but a shadow of who they were previously, because of all they had endured. But then, SUDDENLY, the prophetic decree of the Lord and His power came into their lives.

Breaking Spiritual Amnesia: "I Am Reinstating the Warrior Within You"  Continue Reading >>>

FlashPoint: What’s Going On In Ukraine? (March 1, 2022​)


Painting a Picture for the Prophets

As a creative and a revivalist, one of the ways I love to share God's heart is through prophetic art. In the beginning of 2021, I began to feel a stirring to paint a white horse. I wasn't sure why I felt such a stirring, but I knew the Lord had impressed on my heart to do it. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I would be working on a painting for the prophets.

It was no coincidence that the Lord would use three different prophets over the course of the year to confirm and encourage me to complete this piece along the way. Looking back now, it all makes sense, because the prophetic word connected to this piece would be one of importance for the prophets.  Continue Reading >>>
