
"I HEARD WE ARE IN A JOSEPH MOMENT!" - Nate Johnston, Redding, CA  


"I'VE CALLED YOU FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS" - Barry Wunsch, Red Deer, Alberta



c40cc1d4-56d8-44e9-92ab-03f3f86ff9bc.jpg   Week #89  -  Timing is Everything!  -  Karen Hardin

edd01aa4-d42e-46ab-807b-0e19616c6295.jpgDear City Intercessor,

It would be easy to be discouraged if we allowed ourselves to be swept by the emotions of what we see.

Instead I say, take courage because we are in a season of deliverance.

This past week we saw the appointment of an activist, liberal judge whose record has advocated on the side of criminals, perversion and unrighteouness.

 In the California Assembly, legalized infanticide took another step forward as all six of the committee’s ruling Democrats voted in favor of AB 2223 which would allow for the killing of babies up to six weeks after birth. This bill now heads to the Assembly Health Committee and if it passes, then proceeds to the full California Assembly for a vote to legalize murder outside the womb even as they continue to murder babies inside the womb.

In my city there were elections this past week. Even though numerous godly conservatives rose up to run for school board positions to remove the evil of transgenderism and racist brainwashing taking place in the public schools, most were defeated even though my state has historically been a very red state.

Billy Graham - Is the handwriting on the wall, America?

Faith and Fire - Jesus Culture - America Will Be Saved


Prophecy by Amanda Grace (March 25, 2022):

Praise be to the Lord of hosts, maker of Heaven and Earth; maker of the stars and the times and seasons. For Your name is glorified throughout the earth. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, and to His Kingdom there is no end.

The Time of the Great Scramble

The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Let God arise and let HIS enemies be scattered. For this is a time of great scattering – of the great scramble. This is a time where monopolies of the wicked shall and will be broken up," says the Lord.

The Lord of hosts says, "I am a God of mercy, HOWEVER, I am also a God of justice, of order and of righteousness. What men have done – men and women in leadership, in media, in the world of socials – what they have said, what they have done, has become a stench in My nostrils," says the Lord. "For their words are nothing more than clanging noise...meaningless, substance-less...railing accusations. For when Michael was contending for the body of Moses, HE DARED NOT bring a railing accusation but said, 'The Lord REBUKE YOU.' The 'railings' are going to derail during this time; their ramblings have begun their downward spiral."

"I Am Setting Things Straight"   Continue Reading >>>

The Law of Buy-In: Moses Gains Credibility

The approach of the Egyptian army terrified the Israelites, and they placed heavy pressure on Moses to handle this crisis. Moses didn’t panic, since he had seen the power of God’s handiwork. Instead, he exuded both poise and peace, winning for himself great credibility as a leader. Through one incident he became the nation’s “go to” leader. Note what gave him credibility: 1. He projected calm instead of craziness. “Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today’” (Ex 14:13). 2. He projected confidence instead of cowardice. “The Egyptians you see today you will never see again” (Ex 14:13). 3. He projected clarity instead of confusion. “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on’” (Ex 14:15). 4. He projected competence instead of clumsiness. “Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left” (Ex 14:21–22). Taken from NIV The Maxwell Leadership Bible

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The Book of Revelation Chapter 18 - John G. Elliott - The Fall of Babylon the Great - The World Mourns Babylon's Fall

“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a dwelling for demons, a prison of every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird and every detestable animal. For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality; the kings of the earth have committed adultery with her and the merchants of the earth became rich by the excesses of the her luxuries” (Revelation 18:2&3)

In earlier years I had trouble making sense of this chapter. I had difficulty understanding why the complete collapse of Babylon created extreme exuberance among saints, apostles and all of the heavenly beings.

            “Rejoice over her, O heaven, rejoice all saints and apostles and prophets; because God has judged her with the judgment she imposed upon you” (Revelation 18:20)

            Let me ask bluntly: “What is the big deal?”  

            Here is the key that turned my mind to see this passage with greater clarity:  Babylon = The World System.  In the prophetic writings, the word “Babylon” essentially means the same thing as when Jesus called our lives on this earth “the world.”   


Reviving Rain Over a Barren Wilderness

In January, while seeking the Lord for His heart concerning 2022, I went into a vision. I saw two clouds of glory emerging on the East and West Coasts, swelling with anticipation for a great outpouring of the Spirit to drench the land. These clouds then began to move and converge over the center of the nation, bringing reviving rain to the dry places. This outpouring rejuvenated the hearts of the remnant who have been wandering through a hard, barren wilderness. Suddenly, I saw the desert places bursting into full bloom and a radiant Bride arising out of her wilderness, leaning on her beloved King Jesus (Song of Songs 8:5).

A Great Rising of Female Leaders – Clothed in Winning Colors

Then I saw a great rising of female leaders begin to emerge. They were wild and unbridled lovers of God – of many races – racing into the harvest fields. They were clothed in winning colors, with strategy and team building skills needed to organize and lead a massive move of evangelism into the nation; mature mothers full of love, grace and dignity, willing to take genuine risks to see souls set free and lives transformed at any cost.

The spirit of fear that has kept the voice of righteous women restricted with bit and bridal will be shattered over the nation, and a resurgence of holy boldness will be like a fire in their mouths that they can't contain.

Family Reunion   Continue Reading >>>


Week #88 - The Hidden Weapon of Offense - Karen Hardin

8a7056c7-a54c-4cdb-91a2-f0dff1714c3b.jpgDear City Intercessor,

What stops revival? What can derail us from our own personal destiny?

 John Bevere referred to it as “The Bait of Satan.” I refer to it in my book, “Infected” as stage two of a seven-stage spiritual pandemic sweeping our nation that ends in insanity. It is offense.

 It is a subtle weapon Satan uses. We often embrace without realizing it. But once we do we are firmly trapped in its embrace. Offense has a twin—deception. Once in offense, deception will always enter as well. These combined forces can stop revival in our lives and in our cities.

 Since my husband and I are coordinators for the upcoming Flashpoint & Mario Murillo Miracle Services coming to Tulsa on April 21 & 22, we think a lot about revival. That is what we are contending for to launch from these meetings not only for our city—but for yours and our nation.

 So how do we prepare? How do we pray? Because we must do both.

 First, we pray to uproot any pride, offense and deception off our lives personally as well as our families, friends, cities and churches. Pride and offense (which then brings deception) are what most often stop revival. We believe it should look like the last revival or move of God, but it won’t. God always does a new thing—His thing. Let’s pray this week that revival, and the needed transformation for our nation, will begin this month! It is already taking hold in some areas. May it come to each of our cities!