
The People's Convoy Doesn't Pass the Smell Test - Karen Hardin

city-by-city banner Ukraine - Special Update 

Karen Hardin

I wanted to share this word with you from my friend Jackie Quarrels regarding a dream she had and people we know in Ukraine and what should be our response. This is for ongoing prayer regarding the situation there as it continues to escalate.

 "Russia is waking up today. Their entire population's wealth has been reduced to 40% of what they had a week ago. This is a HUGE loss.

 "Imagine being one of them that because of an evil dictator, their lives have changed in a moment--in the blink of an eye.

 "My point in writing this is that I believe we are at the beginning of the birth pains, if not at the edge of WWIII.

 (NATO forces are even now jumping into the fight by helping supply Ukraine. It has now escalated into nuclear plants being opened. Many in Europe believe this is the verge of WWIII.)

city-by-city bannerWeek #83

Deliver Us from Evil

Karen Hardin

Dear City Intercessor,

 Initially I had a different prayer focus for this week, but in light of what is happening in Ukraine I felt it important we join in prayer over the turmoil around the world which ultimately affects our cities as well.

I’ve heard some say that an invasion is not happening and the “good guys” are actually in control and what we see taking place is simply a removal of Deep State corruption. I pray that is the case. In any event, reports from people on the ground in the heart of Ukraine tell me that they have had to flee and refugee centers are being set up. They are huddled in bomb shelters. The only thing that is clear is that none of us knows exactly what is going on. All the more reason for prayer.

Timothy Dixon - Prophetic Dream A Word from the Lord. #illuminate #timothydixon #capital #donaldtrump


by Wanda Alger

I had a troubling dream on February 10 that I knew was a warning for agents in the field who are fighting to defend our freedoms. Though I don’t know the context or timing, given the war in Ukraine and battles on numerous fronts, I do believe it’s a call to pray for those on the front lines:

I saw the final moments of a mission that seemed to be successful. I saw several agents come out of a tall office building as if they were just finishing their assignment. They seemed confident that the enemy had been taken out and they were simply getting ready to leave. But, immediately I could sense danger. I knew the enemy was still close by and had waited until this moment to finish his job. I saw the first agent look under the hood of his car to check something and I knew he should be more alert to possible danger. But he wasn't, and when he went to check something, a gas was released that caught him off guard. Then I saw the enemy come out of nowhere and take this agent out with one shot.

Chuck Pierce with Mike & Cindy Jacobs: Kings Go to War in the Spring (2 Samuel 11:1)

David Wilkerson - Don't Judge Your Spiritual Condition by Your Feelings | Sermon - Must Watch

Angels in Every Direction

Has it felt like you are going through a season of transition or change? This is happening to so many of us, and not only on a personal level. We have all been experiencing a constant pivoting and adjustment, globally. Yet, in the midst of change, there is a place of hope and joy God has prepared for us! If you can relate to this, here is a promise from God's Word for you today:

"The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them" (Psalm 34:7, NKJV).

"All around" means that no matter which direction you turn—whether to the north, south, east, or west—God has stationed His presence and angels around you.

"Pay Attention!"  -  On the 26th of December, I was watering some plants outside our house when I saw a small angel decoration lying on the ground, but then forgot about it until the next day, when I noticed it again after one of our boys had meticulously cleared the area after our Christmas lunch. I thought, "That's funny." So, I picked it up, and as I did, the Holy Spirit said, "Pay attention!"  Continue Reading >>>