Where Are We Going #RicksRant

An Angel Came to Me with a Word for This Hour

Operation Redeem All | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch

FlashPoint: When the Light BREAKS IN! with Bill & Beni Johnson, Mario Murillo and John Graves

"When All Feels Lost, the Son Will Rise!"
Donna Rigney, Salt Springs, Florida

NoteBelow are the most current prophetic words I received from the Lord concerning the election. These are the words I received, while in prayer, before and after Inauguration Day.

Darkness Will Flee!

On January 2, 2021 the Lord spoke this encouraging word to me:

"This is a significant hour for the world, and your foe knows it well. This is why you are seeing so much evil manifest openly! He is pulling out all the stops so that he doesn't lose his hold on the world. But at the same time, because of the prayers of My faithful remnant, I am pulling out all the stops too! I am causing My goodness, My great power and love to be manifested through My faithful ones.

"In the days ahead, much more of Heaven, and what Heaven holds, will be poured out on your land for all to see. My greatness will be in evidence! Those who forsook all to speak My words and to demonstrate My love and goodness will be shining vessels that all will see. My glorious light will pour off them and will light up the darkness about them. Darkness will flee!" 


Jonathan Cahn: Prophetic Message to Joe Biden! (Presidential Inaugural 2020)

Where Do We Go from Here - Dutch Sheets - Podcast


Because I voted for Donald Trump, I own no part in the festering blanket of evil and misery that Democrats are unrolling onto all Americans. My conscience is clear.

For the first time in American history, our President does the unquestioned bidding of people who hate America. That explains his first day in office: READ MORE >>

At least 74 million Americans voted for Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the millions who comprise the Make America Great Again movement are, in no way, a passing parade of wackos.

You may believe they are going away. You may be convinced that CNN and ABC are right when they talk about ‘deprogramming and cleansing Trump supporters.’ If you want to follow the leftist Hollywood stars who today vilified Trump voters, go ahead, but you can never say you were not warned. READ MORE >>

FlashPoint: It's Not Over! Prophecy & Presidents

God is Not Late - Dutch Sheets (Reposted)


A Revelatory Experience: Stand Firm to the End

FlashPoint: Watch God Move! Michele Bachmann, Lance Wallnau, Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo

"The Rise of a Counter-Culture Army! A Bared-Teeth Bride & a Fiery Hot Remnant"

Nate Johnston, Redding, CA

"The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion." (Proverbs 28:1)

Where we are headed we need clear words. We need prophetic blueprints for the year that show us the path to stick to so that we aren't robbed, pillaged, and plundered, but walk safely and are effective. For that purpose, I want to deliver this word in a bullet-point format that you can constantly look back to in 2021. There are three themes in my spirit for 2021 and this is one of them. I pray it ignites you and stirs you and provokes you to live all-in for Jesus this year.

The Year the Army of Dry Bones becomes the Army of Awakened Warriors