Dutch Sheets says:

Jane, thank you for joining us today. What are you hearing Holy Spirit saying to us?

Jane Hamon begins to share:

Thanks, Dutch, it's always a pleasure and an honor to be with you. I love the Give Him 15s. I think they're absolutely revolutionizing the Church world today and discipling nations by the messages that you're bringing on a consistent basis. I'm really excited to be here with you because I have a message that I think the Lord has put on my heart for this season.

Time for the Hanging of Haman's Ten Sons   Read more >>>


The Oil of Joy | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | November 29, 2022

During a personal prayer retreat before Rosh Hashanah 5783, I experienced profound encounters in the glory of God. I heard the Lord saying repeatedly, "There's glory in the SOUND!"

Just as immersion rapidly births language fluency, so total immersion in the sound of God's Kingdom produces glory. Hearing the Word, praying in the Spirit and worshiping produces supernatural acceleration in you! It deafens the enemy and releases the cloud of God's glory.

Faster Than the Speed of Sound 

The War in Your Head - Bill Johnson (Full Sermon) | Bethel Church


You may remember Mills: While serving our nation, he found himself in the middle of a plot to spy on candidates and former President Donald Trump. He would eventually disclose what he knew to the investigators working with John Durham.

Mills had this to say to IFA about becoming proactive in the fight against the deep state: “Citizens, patriots, and believers, if you don’t like what you see in the nation, the swamp and deep state, then we can work to remove them from their position. It’s on us to remove them.”

Now, we already know that we are being equipped to fight in prayer. But there is another way to become involved. You may think that the deep state is too big for an ordinary intercessor like you or me, but there is something we can do. The colonel laid out some practical ways of involvement.  Read more >>>

Fr. Altman - Fatima Warnings: Dark, Darker & Darkest Times Which Will Be Coming In Our Time S. V.024

We are entering the days of great Kingdom exploits. God is commissioning many to take dominion! Justice is about to be released in the earth, but God will only release great Kingdom exploits through those He can trust.

To be trusted with God's heart—to carry and birth the things He deeply values—will first require tests of preparation. God will not pour out His glory upon the works of the flesh or even upon the good ideas of man. In order to carry and birth the things of God, they must be born of the Spirit. They must be carried by purified vessels who have been prepared through the testing of great fires. 

Just as with certain physical seeds, where they can only germinate when exposed to the heat of a great fire, so it is with some of the spiritual seeds inside of us; they can only germinate when exposed to great fire. Make no mistake, salvation is free, but the anointing will cost you. When we ask for the fire of God to come upon our lives, we don't get to choose what burns. Jesus is worthy of it all!

The Fiery Tests of Preparation

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