"We Will See With Our Eyes What Our Ears Have Only Heard" - Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA

Dream: We Are Witnessing History

As many of us continue to pray for righteous rule in this land, the Lord wants to assure us of His prevailing justice in the days ahead. He illustrated this to me in a recent dream. In this dream, my husband and I were brought before a group of high-level government officials to be "processed." We had been blindfolded and handcuffed, along with several nationally-recognized leaders. I could feel the tension in the room, knowing the immense significance of this moment given all the secret service detail.  CONTINUE READING >>>

"A Major Wall in DC Shall Come Down!" - Amanda Grace and Steve Shultz on Elijah Streams




Dec 28, 2021

Intercessors, You’re Going THROUGH!

Intercessors, have you been walking through the valley of the shadow of death lately? Has the enemy been attacking you, your family, your health,...



Where the Battle is Won or Lost

Where the Battle is Won or Lost

By Oswald Chambers

"If you will return, O Israel," says the Lord… —Jeremiah 4:1

Our battles are first won or lost in the secret places of our will in God’s presence, never in full view of the world. The Spirit of God seizes me and I am compelled to get alone with God and fight the battle before Him. Until I do this, I will lose every time. The battle may take one minute or one year, but that will depend on me, not God. However long it takes, I must wrestle with it alone before God, and I must resolve to go through the hell of renunciation or rejection before Him. Nothing has any power over someone who has fought the battle before God and won there.

I should never say, “I will wait until I get into difficult circumstances and then I’ll put God to the test.” Trying to do that will not work. I must first get the issue settled between God and myself in the secret places of my soul, where no one else can interfere. Then I can go ahead, knowing with certainty that the battle is won. Lose it there, and calamity, disaster, and defeat before the world are as sure as the laws of God. The reason the battle is lost is that I fight it first in the external world. Get alone with God, do battle before Him, and settle the matter once and for all.

In dealing with other people, our stance should always be to drive them toward making a decision of their will. That is how surrendering to God begins. Not often, but every once in a while, God brings us to a major turning point— a great crossroads in our life. From that point we either go toward a more and more slow, lazy, and useless Christian life, or we become more and more on fire, giving our utmost for His highest— our best for His glory.

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Week #74 - Are You Ready? - Karen Hardin

Dear City Intercessor,

Last week’s prayer, “Like Mary” was a focus on you as is this week. I felt it was important to prepare and strengthen for what is ahead. (click here if you missed last week.)

I know many have felt weary from the onslaught. The intensity hasn’t let up has it? I pray this week encourages you to recognize first that you ARE making a difference. And our prayers ARE prevailing.

But also it is very important that we strategically position as we enter what is not only a new year, but a new epoch. (Click here for the word the Lord gave me about this for 2022.)

Leaving and entering is very important. Who we are aligned with and who we are under in authority is as well. For it can either limit us or help advance us for what God is doing.

I have watched many get stuck and frustration mount as they seek to walk in their destiny, but can’t seem to get there. Worse they can’t seem to figure out why. (click here about how to get unstuck.)

Others have taken so many hits this year that you want to crawl into a cave to hide—exactly what satan wants. Remember even David did this the prophet Gad came to him after a season and told him, “It’s time to get out of the cave.”

This week is about strengthening you. I want to encourage you and thank each of you for your faithfulness to pray over our nation. I pray a blessing over each of you and protection as you continue to wage war in the heavenlies. That you will be refreshed spirit, soul and body to continue to press in and not give up.

Father, I lift up each intercessor who has joined this city-by-city network to stand for their city, state and our nation. Together we link arms in prayer standing on Your Word that You hear our cry for justice, righteousness and truth to prevail.

Here is your declaration for this week for you and your family to re-strengthen to remain in the battle: 


"Don't Stop Believing" - 

Elaine Tavolacci, Staten Island, NY

Our Eyes Are On You

There is a story in the book of 2 Chronicles chapter 20 about the King of Judah named King Jehoshaphat. He received a report that the Moabites, the Ammonites and the Meunites had joined forces to attack and wage war against him. Jehoshaphat was shaken. As he and the people of Judah and Jerusalem came before the Lord, he said to the Lord, "...Power and might are in Your hand, and no one can withstand You" (2 Chronicles 20:6).

Jehoshaphat reminded the Lord how He drove out the inhabitants of the land before His people Israel. Jehoshaphat then said, "...we will stand in Your presence before this temple that bears Your Name and will cry out to You in our distress, and You will hear us and save us" (2 Chronicles 20:9). He went on to say, "...For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You" (2 Chronicles 20:12).

Every Battle Has an Expiration Date 

The Holy Spirit is showing me that many of you are in deep distress over what is happening around you. Fear has gripped your hearts and you are focusing on this demonic intrusion, rather than focusing on Jesus. Although you believe in your heart that the Lord is able to eradicate this virus and turn this nation around, you are crying out in the same way that King Jehoshaphat did, saying that you don't know what to do.

In the natural it appears that this pandemic is out of control and all Hell is breaking loose in our personal lives as well as our country. We have seen tornadoes devouring everything in their path, and catastrophes like we've haven't experienced before. But through it all, fear not. Every battle has an expiration date. In the end, some of our greatest battles will become our greatest victories, and everything that the Lord promised will come to pass(Photo via Pixabay)

King Jehoshaphat knew that he was not able to win this battle in his own strength as this vast army was coming to annihilate them, so he inquired of the Lord through prayer. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel and he prophesied,


Today's post is a general word from Holy Spirit through my brother, Tim Sheets, and connected to the first Christmas. It is powerful and VERY encouraging. You are going to want all of your friends to hear this word! Share it, please.

God's "Mega Event" by Tim Sheets

Tim says:

"Recently, I asked Holy Spirit for fresh revelation and insight concerning this Christmas season. He very clearly responded to me saying, 'Prophesy from Luke's writings on the birth of Jesus Christ. Prophesy it into your times.'

"In the first chapter of Luke, we read that a supernatural mega event, planned by the Godhead in Heaven, had come to its appointed moment. The Christmas narrative gives us the miraculous story of Christ's birth and it also prophesies into our times. It explains the powerful, creative abilities of Almighty God that can come from the spirit realm into the natural realm and change everything. This incredible story explains how the master plan of the Godhead began to be implemented on the earth under Holy Spirit's supervision, and also with the angel armies. 


The Lord has impressed upon me to share a profound experience I had in late September, as it is a representation of what many in the Body of Christ have gone through, are currently going through, or will be going through in the near future.

My husband and I had a speaking engagement out of state that stretched us in many ways; but the Lord opened the door, so we prepared diligently. We planned our travel so that we would have ample time (a day and a half) to fine-tune our messages after we arrived. As it turned out, God had other plans. His 'fine-tuning' was internal, not external.

The day we set aside our final preparation, I woke up to a physical attack so severe, I almost went to the ER. The pain was so great I could not open my eyes or move my head. Yet during this time, I had multiple visions, and the Lord spoke to me many things. It was not until 2:00 p.m. on the day of our evening assignment that I knew I would be able to minister.

1st Vision: The Lord Is Fine-tuning Vessels of His Glory  CONTINUE READING >>>

Flashpoint: America Fest Special - December 21st, 2021


Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is a noteworthy maverick within the Catholic Church hierarchy.  He retired as papal nuncio to the United States in 2016 and has exposed what he sees as great scandals within his Church.  This lengthy Wikipedia entry provides background.

The archbishop has issued a Christmas letter to the United States that is unusually blunt about what he sees as a conspiracy underlying the handling of COVID.  Archbishop Vigano first shared this message with John Wells on Ark Midnight’s The Fortnight Intelligence Briefing. The letter was then published in Gateway Pundit but is presented here for readers' convenience.

Abp. Viganò in 2013 as papal nuncio to the United States.
White House Image/Lawrence Jackson — http://www.state.gov.

DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects. We all know how much the mainstream media has contributed to supporting the insane pandemic narrative, the interests that are at stake, and the goals of these groups of power: reducing the world population, making those who survive chronically ill, and imposing forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens. And yet, two years after this grotesque farce started, which has claimed more victims than a war and destroyed the social fabric, national economies, and the very foundations of the rule of law, nothing has changed in the policies of Nations and their response to the so-called pandemic.   CONTINUE READING >>>

COVID-19 Vaccine Causes AIDS Warns Dr. Zelenko



 "Prepare the Way for Greater Depths of Revelation"  -  Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA

Look for the voices of revelation in this hour. At a time when the minds of men have been darkened by deception and blinded by a spirit of unbelief, look to those voices who speak by revelation from the unseen realm. This is the hour for prophets of revelation that are preparing the way for HIM to come – the SPIRIT of God, coming across the earth with a FULLNESS of presence and power through revelation and truth. 


FlashPoint: Don’t Quit, Have Faith! Mario Murillo, Lucas Miles, John Graves, Lou Uridel
(December 16, 2021)


"I Saw 70 Million Unborn Children Standing as Witnesses Before Supreme Court Judges" - Christa Elisha, Oxford, OH

Choose Life and Not Death

I saw 70 million unborn children standing as witnesses before the Supreme Court judges—their voices crying out for justice, day and night, in ears of the judges. I saw the judges (two men specifically) tossing and turning in their beds while they tried to sleep. They could hear the voices of the children: "Let me live. Choose life and not death."

I saw a witch screaming in an attempt to intimidate the Church, and then saw a warrior Bride rise up with a sledge hammer and shattered the witch's teeth. She ran into a house to hide, but then I saw a glorious, white Church House fall on the house she had run into, crushing her (much like what happened to the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz).  CONTINUE READING >>>

 ifa fbi americas kgb

Lord, as atheistic Marxists infiltrate the agencies we’ve trusted, we pray protection on those who defend our liberties. We pray for the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agencies to protect, not attack, our citizens.

Tina Peters was sleeping when combat-outfitted FBI agents pounded on her door at 6 a.m. on November 16. In an interview with CBS Denver reporter Rick Sallinger, Peters said, “I’m a 60-year-old woman living by myself. I was terrified.” The Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team carried a battering ram, though they did not use it, as they would three and a half hours later on the door of Sherronna Bishop.



"A Time of Detail, Decision & Direction" - Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia

This is a critical time where the Lord is releasing detailed direction for the coming months. It is a time to be intentional about spending time in His presence to receive revelation on the path ahead, and the new doors the Lord is opening and will open in 2022. Strategic decisions will be made by the people of God this month based on the revelation they receive, which will correctly position and align them for the year ahead. The enemy will try to bring great distraction and weariness to the people of God to attempt to prevent them from seeking the Lord at this strategic time. So it will be important to use discernment and stand in faith on all the Lord has spoken. 

A Time of Detail and Direction