"Strategic and Pivotal Falls During Rosh Hashanah" - Amanda Grace, Fishkill, New York

Word from the Lord released on September 13, 2022:
All praise be to the Most High God, King of kings, Lord of hosts, Maker of Heaven and Earth. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof! And to His Kingdom there is NO END. All glory and praise to the Lord of hosts!
The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "Is MY arm too short that it cannot save MY children? Is My power too limited that it cannot intervene? Fear not, for I AM WITH YOU. Be not dismayed, for I AM YOUR GOD. BEHOLD, I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU; I WILL UPHOLD YOU with My righteous right hand," says the Lord of hosts.
A Bypass and a Fall
The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "The heart of the nation has become diseased. The CHAMBERS are filled with decay and filth and a BYPASS IS NEEDED AND REQUIRED," says the Lord. "And BYPASS I will," says the Lord. "For I the Lord your God DO NOT submit to man's laws and man-made governments," says the Lord. "I am not under their jurisdiction. However," says the Lord, "they shall certainly be under Mine. For there is a time and season for everything under Heaven," says the Lord of hosts, "a time to rise up and a time to fall.
"There shall be a string that attaches strategic falls in this hour," says the Lord. "Rosh Hashanah...one of the most strategic and pivotal falls and removals shall take place during this time," says the Lord of hosts. Read more ...