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Word from the Lord--November 22nd, 2021 (Part 1 & 2) -- Amanda Grace

Part 1

Praise be to the Lord of Hosts, the King of Glory, Almighty, the Alpha and Omega Righteous and Just, who judges the nations and its leaders and peoples. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! And to His Kingdom, there is no end.

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day…

Pressure points My Children pressure points shall be pressed in your nation Oh America and those pressure points shall and will begin to cause a buckling from within areas of your government, areas of the medical community, areas of what you call social media and big business says the Lord of Hosts.

These pressure points shall be pressed upon and bared down on and you shall see these areas physically suffer from such they shall decompress, there shall be a decompression as there is a sharp turn in the Spirit that shall indeed manifest itself in the natural.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day…

Come unto me all who are heavy laden and I the Lord shall give you REST, you shall and will rest in ME in the midst of the jockeying that is occurring in your nation, press into Me draw near to Me and I the Lord shall draw near to You.  CONTINUE READING >>>