"Get Ready to Stand in New Places"

Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Recently, I heard the Lord say, "Your depth of surrender to Me is positioning you to stand in new places."

The Sound of Surrender

After hearing this, I was taken into a vision. I was so moved as I watched what was taking place in this vision. I saw the season shifting and a major transition taking place. The sound of "surrender" was being heralded loudly from the heavens. It was the sound of surrender to the ways of the Lord and the PROCESS of the Lord.

As the sound went forth, many were surprised by the process that came with the alarm that was going forth; it was unexpected. This way was completely different, but there was such a deep invitation being extended from the Lord to lay down, let go and surrender.

One of the things that moved me deeply was when I saw many friends of God, all over the earth, begin to fall face down before the Lord; they were offering Him that which He was asking. There was pain in letting go, but their heart to worship Him and follow His way far outweighed the pain of letting go. There was a deep recognition and cry in their heart that was building, stronger and stronger, heralding a declaration: "When I said I would follow Your way and follow You anywhere, I meant it; it's for YOU Jesus. It's all for YOU." (Photo via Unsplash)

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