Sitting in my prayer room, alone with Holy Spirit, I received revelation of what is coming very soon to our world and our nation:
Greater than the Days of Elijah and Elisha
Prophetic word received on June 11, 2021:
The Lord said: "These are days that are even greater than the days of Elijah and Elisha! More miracles, greater signs and wonders, dramatic deliverance and uncommon feats will all be commonplace.
"Like popcorn being popped, this revival will be expansive and never ending because of the fire of My glory that will be poured forth. Not just a few 'kernels' or a few people will be touched, used and transformed by My fire! The Church has been like dried, hard corn kernels before the heat was applied to them. Dry, stale religion was hard to swallow, indigestible and uninviting. Now is the hour that the transformation is upon the land.
"My fresh fire will make what was once dry and stale, unpalatable and non-nourishing, delicious. The oil of My Spirit [will be] like warm butter, and the salt of My words will enhance all I do with My fire! Great changes will come when My fire falls."
Confirming Scripture: Psalm 29
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