The Book of Revelation, Part 14 - By Rick Joyner

      Why is so much in the book of Revelation about the antichrist, the beasts, the false prophet, the great harlot, and all the primary enemies of the Son of God? Because we see in this vision how these enemies of God are overcome by the revelation of Jesus Christ, and by the power and authority of those who follow Him.
      The spiritual enemies of God are defined in Scripture as various levels of demons, assigned to buffet individuals. Above them are principalities, which are assigned to fight God and His Christ on regional levels. Next are world rulers, which are given power throughout the entire world. These are general evils such as racism and counterfeit spiritual authority, which the Bible calls witchcraft or sorcery.
      Finally, we have the devil himself, who usually appears to be sophisticated and brilliant. The devil’s primary domains are religion and politics, through which he seeks to have people build on human alliances for what is earthly, rather than the will of God. ...