Life in the New Covenant, Part 34 - Rick Joyner - Aug 27 - Week 35

      How do we distinguish between the church that the Lord is building and the one that men are building? There is a saying that, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” The “good” side of the Tree of Knowledge is just as deadly as the “evil” side. The fruit of both is poison.

      This is not to say that all of man’s good works are attempts to circumvent the cross. One’s works can be good, but if they are not the good God has called us to do, they can be diversions from the path of life He has called us to walk. Man’s goodness is not the same as God’s, and it often counters what God is doing by drawing men away from walking with Him to follow human projects and initiatives. These can be rooted in a number of what we may consider good things, but are in reality attempts to attain our acceptance by God through works, rather than through the cross of Jesus. When this is the case, those works are in fact evil, and they lead to self-righteousness rather than the righteousness of God.   continue >>>