Aug 21 Week 34 - Life in the New Covenant, Part 33 - Rick Joyner

      We have been reduced to a world that now has only one hope that can keep us from the worst tyranny in history: a revival and an awakening that surpasses all previous ones. We need for the Lord to move as He has not done on the earth before, and that is what He plans to do.

      We need the greatest revival because we have fallen to the ultimate depravity—“calling evil good and good evil” and “honoring the dishonorable and dishonoring the honorable” (see Isaiah 5). As the book of Isaiah continues, this will cause the anger of the Lord to burn, and our God, who is a “consuming fire,” will burn throughout the earth consuming the “wood, hay, and stubble,” but purifying the “gold, silver, and precious stones.”

      The biblical prophets called this “the great and terrible day of the Lord.” It will be great for those who love the Lord and seek to live lives that are pleasing to Him. It will be a day of unprecedented darkness and dread for those who love the darkness and serve evil.   continue >>>