Throughout our history the American people have been center/right on most issues. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being extreme left and 10 being extreme right, America has persistently been about a 6, just right of center. This study indicates America has started moving to the right of that, and we may now be a 7, or more. This is a stunning development.
So why doesn’t the media, the government, or other polls reflect this? First, the media and the government could hardly be more out of touch with the American people. It’s also been obvious for a long time that polls can be made to say whatever you want them to say by the questions you ask, and who you ask. In the Wikileaks download of the Hillary Clinton Campaign emails pollsters were caught asking the Clinton Campaign what they wanted the polls to say.
As polls have become so politicized, they have been used more to compel people to think the way politicians want them to think rather than to understand what the American people are in fact thinking. This is obviously why polls forecasting election results have become so inaccurate. As I talked with Marc often about this research from the time he conceived the idea, and I know he was simply trying to discern where the American people really are on major issues. As the methods and questions used in this research are made public, I think this will be obvious to all but the most biased.
A noteworthy indication from this study is that even with such a major shift of the people back to conservative values, this has not resulted in much of a turning toward the Republican Party. In fact, there is increasing dislike and distrust of both major political parties. That should not be a surprise to us, but what are the implications of this?
In 1987 I had a two-and a half day prophetic experience in which I was shown a panoramic view of events that would unfold and shape our future. I wrote about this in my book, The Harvest, that became one of our biggest international bestsellers. Events foretold in it began to unfold very quickly and are continuing to the present. One thing saw in this vision was that America would take a hard turn to the left, but after this it would take a turn back to the right, and it would never again turn back to the left.
In 1987 America and the world was very different. It was the height of the Cold War, and the Iron Curtain divided the world between the “free world” and those under the yoke of communism appeared to be so permanent there were no public speculation that it would ever come down. Radical Islam, terrorism, and some of the greatest threats the world now faces were not on anyone’s radar screen 35 years ago.
Politics in America were far more civil than they are now, and on major issues it was often hard to tell Democrats from Republicans as virtually all were close to the center. America was so different then that when the Clinton Administration took over I was quite sure that was the extreme turn to the left I had seen in the vision. It may have been the beginning, but we would turn much further to the left than was imaginable even after Clinton.
When the Obama Administration came and turned the country much further to the left than almost anyone thought could be possible, surprisingly, it was not yet to the extremes that would come. Now Joe Biden has jerked the country even more radically to the left. In just a year it was so devastating to virtually everything in American life, and had led the country into some of the most desperate crises we have faced in our lifetime, it seems to have finally begun the ultimate turn back to the right.
If so, what can we expect now? It is apparent that our leaders on both the left and the right are out of touch with where the American people are going. It is likely few will be able to accept the findings of this research, and we can expect our present leaders, and media, to be outraged by this news, and deny it. They have to. It reveals how wrong they have been and how out of touch they are with the American people.
It indicates that Americans are far more free and independent thinkers than our leaders have suspected. Now there are strong indications that the more the left seeks to impose extreme agendas on America it is only feeding the groundswell of outrage and pushback is coming.
As we’ve been saying for a long time, real change will not come until “we the people” actually stand up and take the reigns of sovereign power that is given to them in our Republic. Just having convictions is not the same as taking action. Even so, the evidence is building that we can not only have hope that this is possible, but that it is inevitable. The research shows a strong reaction to the left’s dictatorial methods.
So, what should we do now? We can expect that as some of this evidence becomes public it will encourage more to be bold about their convictions. However, we should remember Sammy Rodrigues’ words to our first Oak Summit, that we are not called to follow the donkey or the elephant, but the Lamb. George Washington has been proven right when he said that political parties could doom the Republic. He thought that we should be able to debate any issue as simply Americans.
In the vision I had in 1987 there was a warning about when America turned back to the right never to turn back to the left again. The warning was not to go too far to the right. An eagle needs a left wing and a right wing to fly. However, the muscle and weight of each wing must be closest to the center. If the weight on either wing moves to the extreme flight will be impossible.
Every pilot knows how important the center of gravity is for flight. Now it appears that America has entered a “death spiral” down because the weight on the left has tilted so far to the extreme. Death spirals are hard to recover from, but not impossible. If you enter a spin you must center your controls, and then apply the opposite rudder to the direction of the spin until it stops. Then you raise the nose and level off. After you have regained stability and airspeed you can begin to raise the nose more to regain lost altitude. The worst thing you can do is to panic and overreact on the controls.
The answer to the leftist extremes are not extremes on the right. It is obvious that there is a major difference between where our leaders have been taking us, and where the people themselves are actually going. It’s clear why neither political party is liked or trusted by the overwhelming majority of Americans. In the dream I had in 2018 about the coming Second American Revolution/Civil War, I saw a “third column” become the dominate influence in America, and it was a good thing. This “third column was not a political party, but a movement. It seems that we may be seeing this appear in the very near future. So, what do we do until it does?
As I predicted a couple of decades ago, every election going forward would be more critical than the previous one. This has been proven true. It is our basic right and duty as citizens to vote. To not vote is a vote. Regardless of how bad the voter fraud is, that makes it even more important to do our duty to vote. The time is coming when we will not want to have to admit that we did not vote in an election we could have.
Though we never demean the importance of the elections, while being rightly engaged as is our duty as citizens, we have a much greater hope than in politics, politicians, Washington or any other worldly power center. The reason for virtually every crisis the world is facing is from us trying to do things without God. The answer to getting through them is we must turn back to Him, and follow Him. But that does not mean that we do not vote.
Personally, I will likely vote straight Republican in the upcoming elections as I think the Democratic Party has degenerated into an extreme madness that it now sides with almost everything the Lord in His word called “evil.” The “wokeness” they now promote is a level of spiritual, moral, and political depravity not seen since the “days of Noah.”
The Republican Party claims to be conservative, but with the exception of a few, has proven to lack the courage to stand for what they believe. So, it’s understandable that so many Republicans are fed up with their own party, and so many Americans are fed up with both political parties. Even so, we may have to hold our noses while voting for the “lesser of two evils,” but that is still voting for less evil. To do nothing is to do something, and not voting is also voting. Non-participation in elections is not a moral option.
A third column will emerge and begins to restore the restore the country to its Constitutional foundations where there truly is “liberty and justice for all.” We must never give up on this vision of our ultimate purpose as a nation. Even more importantly, we Christians must become the “holy nation” we are called to be in order to have the wisdom to be the salt and light we are called to be.
We will cover more on this remarkable study commissioned by Marc Nuttle. Also, we will be doing a series on this research on The MorningStar Journal News, which the Oak Initiative is a partner to. We’ll get the word to you when these will be posted on our site.
Thanks again for all you’re doing to be a part of the good fight we are called.
Yours In Him,