AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons


A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment


Physician Letter: Reopen America

We, the undersigned physicians, respectfully and urgently request that our country’s businesses and schools be allowed to reopen. 

We value every life lost to the novel virus COVID 19, but countless other people have paid an enormous toll as well.  

Our patients have suffered needlessly in pain and physical decline with disease progression because of short-sighted government edicts to stop all non-emergency care that is unrelated to COVID19.  Some patients now face inevitable death because the diagnosis and treatments were delayed too long.  Too many of our patients have suffered far more from the psychological, physical, and economic effects of the shutdown of communities and businesses than the direct impact of COVID 19 itself. 

The cumulative knowledge we now have of COVID 19 and the observed devastation of shutting down the economy gives us confidence to request that the American people be given the freedom to engage in commerce and community again immediately. Growing evidence indicates that the unprecedented policy of forcing healthy Americans to quarantine was not necessary to save lives but instead inflicted devastating harm on 10s of millions of people.  MORE >>