Top 10 BIGGEST LIES About Covid-19


Which of these TEN most popular Covid lies do you still believe?

LIE #1. Covid is still contagious when you’re asymptomatic.

LIE #2. PCR tests tell you whether or not you have or had Covid-19 (or Delta).

LIE #3. Vaccines usually prevent you from catching Covid, or make it a mild case if you do.

LIE #4. Covid-19 vaccines help with immunity against variants, like Delta and Lambda.

LIE #5. A lab can test for Covid-19 and prove in court if you had it (like forensic DNA).

LIE #6. Covid vaccines are safe, even for pregnant women.

LIE #7. Vaccine immunity is stronger than natural immunity.

LIE #8. Without vaccines, you’re at high risk of catching and dying from Covid.

LIE #9. Vaccines provide better immunity for Covid than vitamin D, zinc and Ivermectin.

LIE #10. Masks, social distancing and lockdowns have helped “flatten the curve.” CONTINUE READING >>>