Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA by Edward Solomon


Dear Father, I ask that you would protect Edward Solomon from all physical harm from enemies of truth that would want to silence him. I pray he be connected to people with the skills to use the information he has discovered to be used in a court of law to further the discovery of fraud in our election.  Father, bring the right people together as a team to formulate a plan to find these algorithms and the people involved in writing and implementing them in the voting machines and the ones using the software to rig the election.  Father we ask for justice in this matter, in Jesus’ name.

Mathematical analysis of election data proves the total votes reported in certain precincts have been manipulated from the original vote count.  Edward Solomon is a published mathematician with an emphasis on number theory who has analyzed the precinct vote count in the past 2020 Presidential election in Philadelphia.

I am an engineer and I found the level of detail and mathematical precision challenging. What I have tried to do is to put in plain English what Solomon uncovered. READ MORE >>