Lord God, please open the eyes of those who have succumbed to the fear that has been spread and return us to a place of wisdom, common sense, and integrity.

black·​mail | \ ˈblak-ˌmāl – extortion or coercion by threats especially of public exposure or criminal prosecution

My husband and I went to a theme park recently. As we entered the park, we were reminded again and again—while outside in the fresh air–to keep our masks on. This was not because the park officials agreed with the mask mandate, but because they were forced to comply with it, or be shut down.
That is called coercion and blackmail. And it is happening all across our nation. Businesses are not the only targets of these threats. Medical practitioners have been some of the hardest hit. I wrote about my friend’s daughter who needed a medical procedure this spring. Originally, she was told that she did not need to be tested for COVID before she could enter the medical facility. The next day, she was told she had to be tested or treatment would not be given. When she questioned the practitioner, his response was, “This isn’t coming from us. We don’t agree with it. We are simply forced to comply or be shut down.”