The Lord has impressed upon me to share a profound experience I had in late September, as it is a representation of what many in the Body of Christ have gone through, are currently going through, or will be going through in the near future.

My husband and I had a speaking engagement out of state that stretched us in many ways; but the Lord opened the door, so we prepared diligently. We planned our travel so that we would have ample time (a day and a half) to fine-tune our messages after we arrived. As it turned out, God had other plans. His 'fine-tuning' was internal, not external.

The day we set aside our final preparation, I woke up to a physical attack so severe, I almost went to the ER. The pain was so great I could not open my eyes or move my head. Yet during this time, I had multiple visions, and the Lord spoke to me many things. It was not until 2:00 p.m. on the day of our evening assignment that I knew I would be able to minister.

1st Vision: The Lord Is Fine-tuning Vessels of His Glory  CONTINUE READING >>>