Word of the Lord given on November 4, 2021:

Praise be to the Lord God, maker of Heaven and earth, whose majesty there is no end and who reigns from a throne of righteousness. He is exalted above the nations. The earth is indeed His footstool, and to His Kingdom there is no end!

Birth Pangs of Change

The Spirit of the Lord says this day: "Great pangs of change are upon you, My children, for there is groaning among the nations; there is restlessness among the nations, for it is becoming more and more uncomfortable for the people. As birth pangs so seize a woman, so this is happening in many nations," says the Lord of hosts.

The Spirit of the Lord says this day: "Change is upon your nation, O America, pangs of change. The pangs before the transition have seized your nation, as there shall be birthed forth (in your nation) a change of heart, O America. For America has been suffering from a heart condition, from disease of the heart, spiritually and naturally," says the Lord of hosts. "And the heart of America is changing as these uncomfortable contractions have indeed begun—the process of repentance and turning back to the Lord, and honoring life and the One who gives it, the Lord your God.

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