"A Throne Room Encounter That Changed Everything!"-- Kathi Pelton, Portland, Oregon

Not long ago, I had one of the most unexpected and transformative encounters of my life. I am praying that the Holy Spirit will help me to share it with you so that you can truly experience this transformation as well.

From the Earth to the Throne Room

It happened during our Sunday service here in downtown Portland, Oregon. As always, worship was powerful and beautiful from the moment we began. Then, I found myself being drawn into a place in the spirit that I had never been before—at least not like this. I was no longer in Portland but moving toward a heavenly place. As I was moving from one realm (the earthly realm) into another (the heavenly realm), I began to experience every grief, burden and 'battle outcome' being swallowed up by the sound of Heaven.

I suddenly found myself bowed down in the throne room where I was absolutely overwhelmed and overtaken by the kindness of God, the mercy of God, the holiness of God and the absolute victory of God. I began weeping uncontrollably—not because I was sad but because it caused everything in me to cry out, "Holy, holy, holy!" I could see other people coming from Earth to Heaven, and as they did, all defeat and death were swallowed up in the victory of JesusCONTINUE READING >>>