"A Turnaround Is Coming"

Charlie Shamp, Nashville, TN

Prophetic word released on August 12, 2021:

Last night, I had a very vivid dream where I met President Trump. I was standing beside a set of steps leading to a stage in a large, indoor stadium. I was accompanied by a man that I have never met in the natural.

President Trump walked over to me and reached out his hand to greet me as if he already knew who I was. I asked if I could pray for him and he agreed. I then began to prophesy some very personal things to him concerning his future. (Photo via Flickr)

Then I opened my eyes, pointed at him and said, "Don't lose hope! The Lord is bringing a great turnaround for America." He thanked me and turned to take the stage.

I awoke and heard the Lord say, "Watch as they look to bring another lockdown to finish the reset, but I will bring a shutdown of this current government. It will be a sign that I am reordering this nation for a great turnaround." Posted on Elijah List