Many have been in an intense season of spiritual warfare, but the Lord has heard the persistent prayers of His faithful ones; the battle is shifting and your day of deliverance and occupying new territory is at hand.
Rise up in faith for this is a demarcation time, a time where the Lord is shifting the battle and setting the boundary line of your territory – the line over which the enemy may not cross. The fruit of this demarcation time will continue to unfold and increase in the months to come.
A Season of Intensified Battle
I heard the Lord say, "Many of My front line warriors, intercessors, prophets, Kingdom builders and advancers have been under intensified attacks this year. The enemy has been relentless in his attempt to bring roadblocks, hindrances and weariness to these ones in their continued stand to see My plans and purposes come to pass. The flames of the battle have continued to intensify, but My faithful ones have continued to stand and push forward. They have spiritual eyes to see the battle and they know the territory and promise that awaits them, as they know I am faithful to bring to pass all I have spoken.
"These ones have become so weary from the battle but they continue to stand, knowing the victory will come, for they stand on the promise I have spoken. The enemy has targeted them for he knows the strategic keys they hold to unlock territory for the Kingdom and see My plans come to pass."
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23 ESV) READ MORE AT ELIJAH LIST >>