God the Covenant Keeper (Joshua 24:1-7)
Most movie buffs will remember the scene of the exodus in the movie The Ten Commandments with actor Charlton Heston as Moses, lifting a shepherd’s crook as God parted the Red Sea while the Jews fled across the dry riverbed to safety. What an amazing cinematic moment!
God’s people had been in bondage under the Egyptians for more than 400 years when the Lord appeared to a sheep farmer named Moses in a bush that burned but was not consumed. God told Moses that He had seen the affliction of His children, heard their pleas, and knew their suffering. Because He is compassionate, loving, and faithful to His covenant promises, God pledged to Moses that He would deliver them. What a deliverance!
Among other things, God used several miraculous signs, a series of horrible plagues, and, finally, He split the Red Sea to set the people free and deliver them to a land so lush as to be described as “flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8).
There is nothing the covenant-keeping Lord can’t do to keep His word and to bring His people home to Himself. God is so amazing!
Taken from NIV Storyline Bible