"When All Feels Lost, the Son Will Rise!"
Donna Rigney, Salt Springs, Florida

NoteBelow are the most current prophetic words I received from the Lord concerning the election. These are the words I received, while in prayer, before and after Inauguration Day.

Darkness Will Flee!

On January 2, 2021 the Lord spoke this encouraging word to me:

"This is a significant hour for the world, and your foe knows it well. This is why you are seeing so much evil manifest openly! He is pulling out all the stops so that he doesn't lose his hold on the world. But at the same time, because of the prayers of My faithful remnant, I am pulling out all the stops too! I am causing My goodness, My great power and love to be manifested through My faithful ones.

"In the days ahead, much more of Heaven, and what Heaven holds, will be poured out on your land for all to see. My greatness will be in evidence! Those who forsook all to speak My words and to demonstrate My love and goodness will be shining vessels that all will see. My glorious light will pour off them and will light up the darkness about them. Darkness will flee!"