Daughters, Arise as Victors and Overcomers! - Lana Vawser, Adelaide, South Australia - Mar 2, 2025

Word of the Lord released on February 11, 2025:

Recently, I heard the Lord speak this over many daughters of God: "Arise, daughters! Break agreement with a victim mentality. I am causing you to arise as victors and overcomers."

As I leaned into the Lord and listened to His heart, I heard, "My daughters, ARISE, ARISE, ARISE! For there are many of you who are in a battle of tension. There are many of you who are finding yourselves in a season of intense pressure to come under a victim mentality. There are many of you in this season who are taking the bait of the enemy to become a victim to circumstances, pressures, pains, and oppositions... But there are deep and mighty things that I am teaching you within the pressure and opposition—how to arise and stand in ways you never have before.

"I Am Inviting You Into the Winds of My Momentum"  READ MORE