The Book of Revelation, Part 19 - By Rick Joyner

      The new covenant is a call to become citizens of another realm—the kingdom of God. This is not a realm of this earth but one far above it and above every other realm in heaven and earth. The kingdom of God is preparing to come and assume its authority over the earth as well. When we join this realm, we are committing to live for it by being joined to the will of the King, who is over all. When we join Him and His domain, we agree to put His interests above any others, even our own. 
      We are not called to be secret agents of this realm but to very boldly and openly represent it. This will cause great discord with all whose devotion is to this present, evil realm for the rest of our lives on this planet. Not only are we rebelling against this earthly realm, but we are also seeking to get as many others as possible to do the same and to join us in preparing the way for the coming King and His kingdom. ...