January 8, 2025

2025 - Understanding the Times

The date of this New Year on the Jewish calendar is 5785.

If you break it down based on numerical values:

  • 5 = grace
  • 7 = completion
  • 8 = new beginnings

On both sides of completion and new beginnings, it is bookmarked by grace. For those of us who see the election of Donald Trump as the grace of God rather than judgment AND that we are entering a time of new beginnings for America, this certainly seems fitting.


January 8, 2025

2025 - Understanding the Times

The date of this New Year on the Jewish calendar is 5785.

If you break it down based on numerical values:

  • 5 = grace
  • 7 = completion
  • 8 = new beginnings

On both sides of completion and new beginnings, it is bookmarked by grace. For those of us who see the election of Donald Trump as the grace of God rather than judgment AND that we are entering a time of new beginnings for America, this certainly seems fitting.
The Holy Spirit is calling people back to God. This is also a season in which He is also exposing and calling out sin. The Bible gives us warnings about the last days—which we most certainly are in:

  • For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (Matt 24:24 NIV).
  • And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken  (Luke 21:25–26).
  • For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows  (Mark 13:8).

 Prayer points for us as believers, our church leaders & government leaders:

  1. To walk wisely and free from deception. Pray that the lawlessness unleashed is stopped and justice and righteousness to be restored in our nation and government.
  2. That the Church will rise up and courageously be a light in a dark world. To pray and work for revival and reformation with expectancy.
  3. Protection over the Jan. 19 Pre-Inauguration Rally and the Jan 20 Inauguration that there will be no chaos or terrorist attacks. Safe (& warm) travel for Kevin & Karen as we participate in the D.C. events.
  4. For the homeless--especially during these freezing temperatures.
  5. For wisdom for our leaders to understand that building more homes isn’t the solution to the homeless situation and that they will put efforts and money to the right places. 

 On earth as it is in heaven,

Kevin & Karen

P.S. Thank you to all who gave to help us finish 2024 strong. You are a blessing!

For those who want to join our awesome supporters, you can give by check to: Destiny Builders, PO Box 7, Coweta OK 74429 or online at: www.DestinyBuilders.world. Thank you. All gifts are tax-deductible!

If you need prayer in a specific area, please email us and let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Their close out sale for the original “My Pillow” continues! Take advantage of this opportunity while it still lasts!

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MyPillow's founder Mike Lyndell is a true patriot. Check out all of his great products, and help support Destiny Builders with each purchase.

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(Note: They will tithe part of your purchase back to our ministry.)



God's Unstoppable Prayer Army

1) Please join with thousands across our nation as we pray each day at noon the “Noon Time prayer for America and Donald Trump.” To download that prayer go to: https://bit.ly/FreePrayerLink.

2) Sign up for our City-by-City.org weekly prayer email where together we pray over our cities and our nation.

3) For those in the Tulsa area, join us every 2nd and 4th Monday evening for our AwakeOklahoma.com prayer for revival and our government leaders. Email Karen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to this email list to know when and where to meet and what we will be praying over. 


     If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at: www.destinybuilders.world/download-prayer/

     As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!

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