by  | Sep 9, 2024 | Political Issues | 67 comments

This is our Psalm 37 moment.

The righteous are speaking to one another. They are baffled. How did it come to this? Just when we had hope, a massive, withering, crushing attack strikes the presidential election.

How can this election be close? No one in their right mind can fall for this. Or can they?

A widespread heaviness and sorrow grips God’s people over this election. What caused this sudden turn?

It is a masterstroke of Satan. It is his tried and true formula. He has done it over and over again.

Here is how he does it:

-Introduce a Trojan horse under the guise of justice and equality.

-Create a ruling class who will do anything for money and power.

-Use them to place puppets in government and media. Control the teleprompter. Let them mouth peace—but only as a mouthpiece.

-Seduce young minds to believe in something that has never worked—and will never work. Social justice is the perfect bait.

-Foment hate toward everything that made America prosperous, strong, and safe.

We have come to America’s darkest hour. We are witnessing a vast coalition of liars churning out the largest disinformation campaign in history.

Never have the wicked advanced like this. Never have the righteous been disgraced like this.   continue >>>