Life in the New Covenant, Part 35 -  By Rick Joyner

      I am 75 years old—three-quarters of a century old—and think I may have lived the best life ever lived on the planet. It keeps getting better. I’ve had my share of trials, some of which I wondered if I would survive. However, I can affirm the promise in Romans 8:28, that “All things work together for good for those who love the Lord,” is true every time.
      I usually write these Words for the Week months before they’re published, and I marvel at how often they are timely. If I am correct about when this one will likely be released, the world will likely be in, or entering, a major time of crisis. The troubles coming upon the world were prophesied to come like birth contractions come upon a woman in labor. The world has been experiencing these for some time now. ...