"The Infinity Signet Ring & Realm of Multiplication" - Rosangela Atte, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - Aug 20, 2024

A Series of Three Dreams

The Lord has been speaking to me about "the realm of infinity" and how to operate within it to bring about multiplication. Let me explain by relaying to you what He has been revealing to me through three dreams that He gave me over a seven-day period.

My First Dream:

In my first dream, I saw the word August in the sky. It was made of light, and it slowly started dissipating. Before it disappeared completely, the number eight (8) appeared. As I looked at it, it slowly started flipping to the left, making a 90-degree turn, forming the infinity symbol (∞). Then it began to glow in a bright blue fluorescent light. Then the dream ended.

My Second Dream:

In this dream, I was standing and wearing a crown and a regal mantle. An angel came to me and placed a gold signet ring on my ring finger. As I looked at the ring, I realized it had the infinity symbol engraved in it.

My Third Dream:

In my third dream, I saw an army of angels on my left, all neatly standing in rows. They were wearing armor and wielding different weapons, as if they were ready for battle. I asked the Lord who they were, and He said, "Army, army's basket, limitlessness."   continue >>>