"A Plot Against Trump & a Backfire on the Enemy's Plans" - Amanda Grace, Fishkill, New York

[Editor's note: The following are excerpts from prophetic words received by Amanda Grace concerning President Trump, our nation, exposing the enemy's plans, and the vindication that's coming.]

A Sinister Plot Against President Trump Thwarted

Prophetic word of the Lord received on November 22, 2018:

"There is a sinister plot against the president of the United States of America, President Trump. He has been kicking against the Illuminati machine on a mission to rescue those being taken into sex trafficking rings for their sick pleasure. Donald Trump has thrown a wrench in their plans, and what they have tried against the president has failed. However, an attempt to endanger his life will be attempted. I the Lord thy God am not only going to thwart it but expose it, where the corrupt will scratch their heads at how the plot was found out. But I will ensure the perpetrators are publicly brought to justice and, in private, sing like canaries," says the Lord...

A Backfire on the Enemy's Plans   continue >>>