We hope a few of these activations will be useful to you in your walk with the Lord:
1. Close your eyes and pray in tongues for a few minutes, then be still and see what you discern. You might see, hear, taste, smell, or feel something. Write it down. You can gradually increase the time you spend on this activation.
2. Wait on the Lord a few minutes. If you are in a group, each person who receives something from God can share it with the group. If you are not in a group, journal what you hear, see, taste, smell, or feel.
3. Ask the Lord to show you the distractions in your life and pray about how you can deal with them. Write what you hear in your journal.
4. Allow God to highlight someone to you. Plan to share any images or thoughts with them.
5. Go outside and pray in tongues or just be quiet for a few minutes. Ask God to show you something in nature relevant to you or a friend. Let the Lord show you how to interpret how that aspect of nature applies to you or them. Journal or share as appropriate.
6. Ask the Lord to highlight someone to you to pray for during the week. Ask Him what they need and pray into that. At the end of the week, tell them what you have been praying for.
• Ask God to give you the image of an animal for a person. Interpret the characteristics and qualities of the animal for that person. Share or journal as appropriate.
• Ask the Lord for the face of a person in the Bible and prophesy to someone based on the characteristics of that person. Share or journal as appropriate.
7. Meditate on ascending to heavenly realities. Journal what you experience. Then pray in the Spirit to break through the flesh. Wait on the Lord, breathe deeply in and out, hear, see, taste, smell, and feel. Note any difference you experience after waiting a few minutes.
8. Repeat the previous activation, but this time, ask in heaven for a revelation for someone else. Write it down and share as appropriate.
9. Practice interpreting dreams. Journal your dreams or talk with friends about theirs. Interpret yours or others’ dreams using revelation or the following questions:
• Who was in the dream?
• Where did the dream take place?
• Where were you sleeping?
• How did the dream make you feel?
• What symbols were in the dream?
• Did the dream help answer any questions you’ve been asking God?
10. Enter the Spirit realm by faith. Pray in the Spirit to create the atmosphere, then observe what you are hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, or feeling.
• Pray in the Spirit for several minutes to enter the heavenly realm.
• You can do this any time.
• Enter the heavenly realm by soaking in His presence.
• Do this often, so you can both live and see in the heavenlies.
In His Service,
Chris Reed
President & CEO
MorningStar Ministries
P.S. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or prayer requests at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 803-547-8495.