Life in the New Covenant, Part 28 - Rick Joyner

      As we have already covered, God’s unity is a unity of diversity, not a unity by conformity. That is so important to understand. This is a reason why there is so much about the antichrist in the book of Revelation, which is stated in Revelation 1:1 to be “the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Discernment to distinguish between that which is of Christ and that which is from the antichrist is crucial. Distinguishing God’s unity from the devil’s is crucial to this.

      For those who live in this world that is under the power of the evil one, we must comprehend the nature that is contrary to Christ which has dominated the earth since the fall. We’re called to be freedom fighters to help set this world free from this basic evil. Basic to the freedom we have in Christ is the freedom to be ourselves, who He created us to be. The devil’s attack on this freedom is the pressure to conform.   continue >>>