H/T Jeff C Coffee & Covid -  Twitter: jchilders98 --- The first unanswered question, and the weirdest news so far coming out of the Trump Shooting, was this New York Times headline, which I screenshot so you wouldn’t think I was joking:  e953bb7f-acd1-4537-a3bb-8feb2035375a_1818x140.png

That’s right. The same Orwellian corporation that is trying to buy up everything in America that the government doesn’t already own —are you using that extra chair? We’ll take that, too. Well, that mega-corporation is bizarrely and unexpectedly linked to the same man who just tried to murder President Trump. The Times’ story explained that the shooter, while still an 18-year-old high school student, appeared briefly as an extra in a Blackrock commercial.
The Times reported that Blackrock pulled the ad, promised to cooperate with law enforcement, and said it will turn over any unpublished video that might still be available, just as you’d hope a responsible corporation would do. So that’s good, nothing to see here.
Now, I’m only asking. But what kind of connections does someone need to score a fun, easy, lucrative temporary job working as an extra in a Blackrock commercial? How did it all come together? How much did the shooter get paid? Was there a contract? Who signed it? The article didn’t say, and the New York Times doesn’t care.
It’s probably nothing. But it’s also sort of like finding out fifty years later that the JFK shooter was on the CIA’s payroll three weeks before the assassination. It’s one of those things that makes you go huh?