July 10, 2024

Beware of Relational Deception

Would any of us willingly enter deception? Of course not!

As Christians, we’re taught to “believe the best” in someone and not to “judge” others. But we also need to remember that Jesus told us to be “wise as serpents” and he even seemed to praise the dishonest manager for being more shrewd in relationships than his own followers.

“The master commended the dishonest manager for his shrewdness. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light,” (Luke 16:8 ESV).
Heed the Warnings
As Christians, do we ignore red flags in relationships with people we believe to be trustworthy. When we choose to ignore warning signs or “irregularities” that should raise a question, we are willfully opening the door to deception.

A few years ago I experienced a deep betrayal by someone I completely trusted. We had spent hours talking. They had been over for family functions. It was a close relationship. When small red flags popped up...people said that the person wasn’t trustworthy, I ignored them because I was convinced I knew the individual. I “knew” they wouldn’t do what I was beginning to hear. In the end, my blind trust led to my own hurt. The warnings were accurate.

The Holy Spirit was revealing issues, but I didn’t realize it–because of my relationship with the person. I thought I knew them and so I trusted them. When I went to them as the Bible instructs us to do, I asked about the areas in question. They always had a quick answer, which put my heart at rest because I just believed what they said. I couldn’t imagine they would lie to my face—but they did—repeatedly. It was all deception. And worse…I missed it for a long time.

We must remember: actions are indicators. If what they are doing doesn’t line up with what they are saying, believe the actions more than their words.
Willful Deception
Relationship often skews our discernment and creates willful deception. Worse yet, when we see or hear about irregularities that go against what we believe about an individual, without realizing it, we begin to create excuses for their behavior because we can’t imagine they would  intentionally do something wrong.
Last Days Deception?
I call it relational deception when people refuse to look at facts because it creates cognitive dissonance with what we believe about them. The Bible tells us in the last days even the elect can be deceived. I believe this is one of the ways—when we blindly defend people we think we know.
This past week, I was verbally attacked by a multitude of “friends” and people in leadership because of articles I have written that are exposing corruption in someone at a top position in Oklahoma politics. Initially, I had an open door to confront him as the Bible instructs us to in Matthew 18. Although this Christian brother told me what I hoped to hear, his actions spoke way louder than the false words he told me. After approaching him repeatedly for months, finally, due to his destructive leadership, it became necessary to call him out publicly.

I have been screamed at, denounced, called a liar and worse, and last even physically assaulted by two individuals who were enraged at me over my investigation into these matters. Why? Because of relational deception.
When I talked about it in a meeting I was invited to be a speaker at, a former friend stood up, came to the mic, interrupted me and said, “I do not stand with Karen Hardin!” It was an interesting moment. I am standing for truth and integrity. So when she said she is not standing with me—what is she standing for? Deception and the refusal to accept clear evidence that says something is very, very wrong.

We are in a season of exposure of darkness and corruption. It will continue and we need to brace for it. We cannot compromise with darkness, but allow the light and truth to expose the darkness.  Recognize that some accusations may be false—but others may be true. Be cautious before jumping in blindly on either side. Actions speak louder than words. Facts tell the true story. Don’t be afraid to recognize the truth and expose the darkness.
 Kevin & Karen
P.S. If you believe in this work, but are not yet a monthly IMPACT DONOR, we ask that you will become one if you are able. Any size gift is appreciated, but also pray with us to see a $4,000+ increase in the monthly support coming in or we need many larger one-time gifts. Together we are making a difference! Thank you.

Kevin & Karen, I Will Sow a Seed Today!

How to Stop the Global Spread of
Rage, Deception, & Insanity

To understand the pattern of relational deception in the Bible (yes it’s there!) and how to recognize it and be free, please get my book, “Infected."

Prayer Declaration
    Father God, you are the god of truth & righteousness. Sin separates us from you. Lord, help us to stay pure before you. When pride and spiritual darkness refuses to repent, help us to stand for truth, even when it goes against the crowd. Use us to shine your light in this dark world. We pray for those walking in darkness to see truth and repent, but we will not compromise with darkness if they continue in their sin. We choose to stand and speak for your justice and righteousness! Give us wisdom and discernment to know the truth of each situation we face. By your Spirit, we will walk with His fruit in our lives and depend on His gifts at work in us. Thank you Father. Your kingdom come. Your will be done here on earth through us your Church. In Jesus’ Name!
More Opportunities to Pray...

1) Please join with thousands across our nation as we pray each day at noon the “Noon Time prayer for America and Donald Trump.” To download that prayer go to: https://bit.ly/FreePrayerLink.

2) Sign up for our City-by-City.org weekly prayer email where together we pray over our cities and our nation.

3) For those in the Tulsa area, join us every 2nd and 4th Monday evening for our AwakeOklahoma.com prayer for revival and our government leaders. Email Karen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to this email list to know when and where to meet and to be informed of important issues that we focus prayer and action towards.

Scriptural Prayers for America
Scriptural Prayers for America and Donald Trump
If you haven’t ordered “Scriptural Prayers for America and Donald Trump” I encourage you to get a copy and some for friends and prayer team as we intercede for a miracle. Not because I wrote it, but because it is scripture in prayer form—which is one of the most powerful ways we can pray.

"Prayers for America and Donald Trump" highlights 25 different areas in which we desperately need to pray and see breakthroughs. 

HOW TO PRAY: This week we focus on the following prayers:
Restoration of Law and Order—p. 52
For Righteous Judges—p. 83
Vindication for Donald Trump—p. 31
Don't forget to pray daily for Donald Trump in our Noon Time prayer --p. 17
I felt compelled to write this book, because we MUST pray to stop the onslaught.

These prayers are scriptures, put into prayer form, because we know when we pray the Word of God, He watches over His Word to perform it.

Some of the prayers include: 
  1. Election integrity
  2. Righteous judges
  3. Reducing the national debt
  4. Protection for Donald Trump & his family
  5. Deliverance from unjust accusations & unjust indictments
  6. Restoration of our legal system
  7. Restoration of law and order
  8. Truth & justice regarding the 2020 election
  9. Courage to stand
  10. America to be restored, and more.
This is a spiritual battle and we need to address it there first. Please join me in praying for Donald Trump and America to see restoration, reformation and revival.

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     If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at: www.destinybuilders.world/download-prayer/

     As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!

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