Andrew Whalen: "The Call of Calebs & Joshuas & the Fall of the Nephilim Agenda"

[Editor's note: Below are the notes that Andrew Whalen shared during his recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]

"Daddy, Did You Hear God's Voice Last Night?"

In 2014, I was given a dream telling me to quit my job and go to Pasadena, California for a season of training and impartation with Lou Engle. So, I did the dream. I quit my job and spent three months doing an intensive, along with a prayer siege (at the Home of Peace of Oakland, California) leading up to The Call Berkley.

While in Pasadena, for about two months, the five of us (my family and I) had to stay in a house with one bedroom to share between us. Anyway, one night, after the rest of my family was in bed and asleep, I found a book in this house on the top of an old bookshelf, and I dusted it off. It was the book of Enoch.   continue >>>