Praying for Presidential Protection By Chris Reed

      On March 9, I had what I called the “Rebirth of America Dream.” Well, I believe that was more than a dream. In fact, we're starting to see evidence of these events coming to pass. We have also begun to receive more clarity about a significant date the Lord showed me in that dream—July 11. We now know July 11 is the sentencing date for former President Donald Trump.

      On May 30, President Trump was convicted of 34 class E felony charges for “falsifying business records.” This is probably the biggest travesty of justice our nation has ever seen. We've crossed the line from which we can never return—the political prosecution of political opponents. It is telling that this case did not happen until after the first three years of the Biden administration had passed and Trump was preparing to run for reelection. Even talking heads on the left are starting to acknowledge this is unprecedented. It makes you wonder why they so badly do not want this man to win.   continue >>>