Lana Vawser: "Come into the Upper Room! Fire Is Falling for the New Frontiers"-Adelaide, South Australia-May 19, 2024

Recently I heard the Lord say, "Come into the upper room! My fire is falling for the new frontiers."

There is a weighty invitation from the Lord to come into the upper room, the place of prayer and of waiting on Him like never before, for His fire is falling for the new frontiers.

There is a deep place of encounter awaiting God's people right now, a FRESH COMMISSIONING in the UPPER ROOM for the new frontiers that are before us. There is an invitation to leave behind the noise and distractions and come into the upper room, for the fire of God is falling, and the Spirit of God is about to fall in such POWER, it will cause everything that can be shaken to be shaken.

The Lord showed me MIGHTY deliverances that are taking place in the upper room, where the Spirit of God is falling in such power. SUDDEN deliverances are taking place. SUDDEN healings are taking place. SUDDEN alignments are taking place. The fog is SUDDENLY breaking. Time is SUDDENLY being restored. Vision is SUDDENLY increasing.   continue >>>