We know hearing this makes some want to stay out of the political process, it does us as well. But what we have shared is why WE CANNOT STAY OUT OF THE POLITICAL PROCESS. When we choose not to be involved, then we surrender leadership and influence to the godless. Our current society is in the condition it is, because the church chose many decades ago to bury their head in the sand and to not get involved. We are reaping the results now because of that choice. Educate yourselves at least so you know how to pray effectively. But also, we need so many more Christians involved in key areas of our society. Little league coaching, parent/teacher organizations, school boards, city councils, building relationship with our legislators and keeping them accountable for how they vote. It does not please the Lord when we sit back and allow wickedness to flourish. We MUST educate ourselves and not be afraid to be involved. Let's be the godly influencers that our communities and our nation needs. 

When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. (Proverbs 21:15 NIV)

Scoundrels use wicked methods, they make up evil schemes to destroy the poor with lies, even when the plea of the needy is just. (Isaiah 32:7 NIV)

Even an ungodly king recognized the importance to honor God by appointing godly leaders and judges.

And you, Ezra, in accordance with the wisdom of your God, which you possess, appoint magistrates and judges to administer justice to all the people of Trans-Euphrates—all who know the laws of your God. And you are to teach any who do not know them. (Ezra 7:25 NIV) Try substituting Ezra's name in the above verse with "Christian." Hmmm. could be eye-opening for some of us. 

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. (Psalm 89:14 NIV)

Father God, we recognize that righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. In other words, this is the foundation for the Kingdom of God. We now declare together as Jesus taught us: Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth now, through us Lord, as it is in heaven. As ambassadors for Christ, we shine your light of love, justice and righteousness in every area of our society around us. We are not unaware of the enemy's schemes, plots, and plans. We bind all spirits of darkness who seek to steal, kill, or destroy our family, your people, and our communities and nation, in Jesus' name. We know you have a purpose even in establishing nations and cities. We loose our communities to rise up in their God-given purposes. To shine the light of God through our churches, businesses, schools,  & governments. Let the power of the Gospel go forth. Let the blessing of God go forth, that all may know that Jesus is Lord for the glory of God our Father.

Lord, we ask for wisdom and understanding regarding how to be more aware of how the key areas of our society are being governed. Help us to be more aware and involved in our government, schools, media, etc. so that we can have greater influence for your Kingdom sake. Wake up the Church and pastors to see how this honors You, as we desire and work for righteousness and justice in our society all around us. Again, Lord, we declare: Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, In Jesus' Name. Amen!

Standing for Justice & Righteousness,

Kevin & Karen

P.S. Thank you for helping us make a greater difference! We continue to work diligently in Cambodia with local area pastors to bring the Gospel to the people and ongoing training and materials for the pastors. We continue to work with underground pastors in China who continue to share the Gospel at great peril to their safety.

And we continue to fight for our freedom and justice in the U.S. where the depth of depravity and corruption in both parties is becoming clearer by the day. We have been threatened that we must shut up. We have been attacked and lied about, but we refuse to give up. We continue to pray for America, Donald Trump and Truth. Please donate so we can stay in the fight. THANK YOU!

Kevin & Karen, I Will Partner With You Today!
Karen's New Book!


The most important thing we can do is pray. Fervently. What we do now determines America's future, which means our children's future. It is urgent we pray the Word and refuse to give up. 

"Prayers for America and Donald Trump" highlights 25 different areas in which we desperately need to pray and see breakthroughs. 

I felt compelled to write this book, because we MUST pray to stop the onslaught.

These prayers are scriptures, put into prayer form, because we know when we pray the Word of God, He watches over His Word to perform it.

Some of the prayers include: 
  1. Election integrity
  2. Righteous judges
  3. Reducing the national debt
  4. Protection for Donald Trump & his family
  5. Deliverance from unjust accusations & unjust indictments
  6. Restoration of our legal system
  7. Restoration of law and order
  8. Truth & justice regarding the 2020 election
  9. Courage to stand
  10. America to be restored, and more.
This is a spiritual battle and we need to address it there first. Please join me in praying for Donald Trump and America to see restoration, reformation and revival.

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  • 5 - $37.50
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  • 100 - $650

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     If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at: www.destinybuilders.world/download-prayer/

     As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!


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