Life in the New Covenant, Part 18 - Rick Joyner

       The church is the Lord’s house, not ours. Therefore, a main goal of anyone seeking to build His house should be to get the design from Him. What would the church look like if it was built with the sole purpose of being the place the Lord wanted to dwell, instead of building what would attract people? If He is among us, it would likely attract many more people than we do now.

      We may protest that our church enjoys many of the Lord’s blessings, but as we have covered, the Lord will bless many things He will not inhabit. Only the immature will be satisfied with just the blessings. It is a far higher purpose to seek His dwelling place. 

      When the Lord called someone to follow Him, the commitment was total. He said those who sought to save their life would lose it (see Matthew 16:25). Isn’t that what happened to Ananias and Sapphira, who wanted to be numbered with those who were giving all but “held back part of the price” (see Acts 5)? How many Christians today give their life to Him but hold back part?

      We can hardly blame most people for their shallow commitment because they are merely responding to the weak gospel message they were given. A study from many years ago concluded that the way a person was born would have an impact on their whole life. The results of this study were astonishing.  continue >>>