From Fear to Faith
We hate to admit this, but fear so often is what brings us to prayer. Something happens that catches us by suprise and we then turn to prayer, seeking God's help. Whether we are young in the Lord or mature in our faith, we all have times of crisis that may catch us by surprise. No matter who we are, as long as our response is to turn to God, then we are on the right track, and our God is always faithful to meet us where we are at. Once we have gotten our faith refocused on the promises of God's Word, then God's desire for all of us is that we stay close to Him all the time, not just when we are afraid, facing a crisis. Praise God, Taiwan's mounting crisis of a possible invasion by China, has caused a great prayer movement to rise up to seek God's hand over their land. (See article 1 below.) Our second article, analyzes the real life challenges inside China that may limit the speed of their rise to the top of world power in the future. They are truly becoming a world power, but this piece helps us to bring balance to the rest of the world's concerns regarding China's rise. We hope this information helps you to better understand the nations where we minister, especially so you can pray with knowledge. Thank you for your partnership in prayer, giving, etc. We are praying for God's continued blessing in all areas of your family and where you serve for Jesus. In Christ,
Kevin & Karen THANK YOU! CLICK HERE to help us make a difference for the Kingdom of God!
200,000 Christians Gather Praying Against Invasion (www.CharismaNews.com; 7/24/23) Rising tensions between China and Taiwan have reached a critical juncture, causing concerns over potential conflict. The small island nation faces increasing military intimidation from its mainland neighbor, prompting leaders to brace for the possibility of all-out war. CLICK HERE to read more. |
China's Shrinking Population and Constraints on Its Future Power (www.Brookings.edu; 4/24/23) According to official U.N. estimates, April 2023 is the month during which, in all likelihood, India will overtake China in population. That is a fascinating story in and of itself, since China has been the world’s most populous country for centuries.
But the real significance of this story, especially for geopolitics, is not about who’s number one. Rather, combined with other demographic realities, the trends send a clear message that China is not 10 feet tall. Any sense of Western defeatism based on fears about the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) economic and strategic rise should be tempered with the many constraints affecting that country, beginning with its demographics.
PRAYER 1. Pray over several grant proposals that we've sent to Christan foundations to help sponsor more food relief outreaches, Bible distribution in China, pastor training, education sponsorship for low-income children and more. Pray for us 1) to contact the right foundations, 2) to match our request to their primary focus, 3) for the right timing of the request for their giving schedules, and 4) great favor with those who aren't familiar with this ministry yet. |
2. Pray for our Destiny Builders School Prayer Teams. PTL, we have several signing up to be part of the school prayer teams. Please pray over this with us for open communication with pastors, churches, and strong contacts in each school. This is a model we want to provide for churches to be even more relevant in their cities, as they serve their communities. 3. Pray a special covering over our relationships with government leaders, pastors, schools and others as we lead prayer for revival in all aspects of our society. We lead prayer for goverment leaders, for schools, for our churches. We declare our holy Father's kingdom to come, and His will to be done here on earth, as Jesus taught us to pray. |
4. Pray for our team members serving in China & Cambodia. They need us to continually lift them up as the Holy Spirit leads. We may not know their specific challenge on any given day, but ask Holy Spirit to bring them to your remembrance when they need you to stand with them in the power of the Name of Jesus. Our God is faithful and delights when we are willing vessels for His glory. |
MINISTRY SPONSORS Now is a great time to purchase your Fall garden seeds at SeedsNow.com. Click the picture below to bless Destiny Builders through your purchase. |
IMPACT Monthly Donors Needed! A STRONG & STABLE Ministry
Will you consider becoming an IMPACT monthly partner? Regular, monthly giving helps us to be strong and stable as we serve our communities here and our teams in Asia. Ministry opportunities continue to increase, but income has not kept up. We are grateful for your partnership with us in this way and through your prayers.
Click below to give ONLINE or checks can be sent to: Destiny Builders, PO Box 700515, Tulsa OK 74170.
Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception & Insanity “Infected” shares the connection between pride/jealousy and offense which are key components that always open the door to deception. The “infected” are all around us—and it is highly contagious. How can you know if you’ve been infected and how can we stay free? In the back of the book is a short test to help you know. We believe this is one of the most important books for the days we are now in to keep us firmly grounded and protected. God’s Justice after Injustice. If you have been unjustly removed, censored, stolen from or silenced, find out how to receive vindication AND restoration. Get Your Copy Today!
1 for $14.99, 2 for $25, or 5 for $55 (plus shipping.)
Order online at: https://gumroad.com/karenhardin
Or send your check and order to: Destiny Builders, PO Box 700515, Tulsa OK 74170 Don't forget to include your shipping address.
FREE SCRIPTURE PRAYERS If you would like a free copy of scriptural prayers to pray over you and your family, go to our website at: www.destinybuilders.world/download-prayer/ As we pray the Word, we come into alignment with His Word and He said He watches over His Word to perform it!
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