Prophetic word received on December 26, 2022:

The Captain of Angel Armies Is About to Act! 

Today was notably different—another defining moment I will never forget. As I entered my prayer closet and began to sit before the Father, I literally felt the burning of the LORD's wrath!

It is hard to explain, but it was as if I was encountering a facet, or a dimension, of His character that I had not encountered before. It was a deep and reverential place; a holy and sacred place. I can only liken it to a court room experience or encounter. But the atmosphere was weighty. The only word to describe what I felt is "imminent."

The Captain of angel armies is about to act! Lights! Camera! Action! The curtain is about to lift! The final act is about to unfold before the eyes of all nations! Heaven is about to invade the earth realm!

I Will Use the Chaldeans! I Will Use the Wicked to Destroy the Wicked!

Then, suddenly, I heard these words: "Watch! For I will use the Chaldeans!"

As I heard this, suddenly I felt the Spirit of the fear of the Lord fall. I can only describe it this way: The moment I heard, "I will use the Chaldeans," I literally saw angels stand to attention! A holy hush fell upon the heavens...a divine, pregnant pause before a powerful demonstration and manifestation of the glory, power and kingly authority of the King of kings on full display. The earth was about to see God do something we have never seen before.  Read more>>>