"A Strange Plan Shall Begin to Unfold in Your Nation" - Amanda Grace, Fishkill, New York
All prophetic words received on October 6, 2022:
Stirring Up the Waters
Praise be to the Lord of hosts, Adonai, Almighty God – who rules from a throne of righteousness; who is holy and perfect in ALL of His ways, and to His Kingdom there is NO END...
The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "The 'stirring up' of the waters and those at sea has begun. Why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing? I the Lord thy God shall hold them in derision as the nations plot and attempt to usurp at sea. However, I the Lord God shall break up the agreement of those who have made unholy, dark covenants with each other – their gods making agreements in the air and in the sea in order to attempt (key word) to stop what I the Lord am doing in the nations.
An Arab Spring Read more ...