"The Realm of the Impossible" - Rosangela Atte, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada
In the early morning of October 1, 2022, I went into a vision. I saw myself standing, and behind me stood an angel. I was looking at the scene from the outside in, as if watching a movie. As I performed my daily activities in the vision, I was completely unaware of his presence, but he was completely concentrated on my every move and every word that came out of my mouth.
As I watched, I had the knowledge that this angel had been there to aid me, guide me, act on my behalf and work with me, but I knew his time with me had come to an end. All of a sudden, another angel that looked different than the first one came into the scene and stood behind him.
The angel with me extended his right arm behind him as the new angel passed him a scroll. This was done the same manner as when a Track and Field athlete passes the baton to his teammate in a relay race. As soon as he had the scroll in his hand, the angel that was with me flew off faster than lightning!
A Changing of the Guard Read more ...