"God Says: Do Not Fear - I Am Building Goshen!" - Nate Johnston, Dallas, TX

It Is an Hour to Crush the Enemy Under Your Feet!

Earlier in the year, I had a dream where I was being pursued and chased by a demonic principality. In its wake, the earth was being stirring up into chaos, famine, financial recession and tormenting fear. I was running but it was hot on my tail, and I was doing everything I could to dodge its grasp. I felt surrounded and hopeless; everything inside of me was feeling like this was the end, and life as we knew it was over.

Suddenly I heard the voice of the Lord say, "What are you running from? Do you not see what I am doing in the earth right now? Do you not see through the storm? Do you not see through the chaos? And even in the war being waged at your doorstep, I am giving you eyes to see. The hour that is upon the Church is not an hour of fear, nor is it an hour to run, but it is an hour to turn around, pursue the enemy on your tail, crush him under your feet and reveal My glory in the earth!"

An Apocalypse of God's Glory   Read more ...