Stewarding Revival for Your City
Dear City Intercessor,
Are you wondering what to do to see transformation in your city? How do we take back our city, state and nation?
If we are to take back our nation, it must start at the local level taking back our school boards, city councils and city governments.
The next steps are for spiritual reformation followed by natural action steps for a movement has begun.
Taking back our cities is the foundational purpose of the City-by-City Prayer Network. Our mandate is to raise up at least ten intercessors in every city who will pray to see transformation at the local level which can then spread through the state and then to our nation.
As you know the Lord opened the door for my area (Tulsa, Oklahoma) to bring in Mario Murillo and Flashpoint. The Holy Spirit told me it would light a fire that would spread across our nation!
What we saw was a great hunger. The first night 9600 people came with 12,000 the second night and had to turn some away. The number of those who responded to the invitation for salvation which was around 3,000 between the two nights. We have no idea the actual number of those healed, but from reports it would be in the hundreds or thousands.
To watch Flashpoint & the first night click here.
To watch the Mario Murillo miracle service, click here.
But what now? Mario is gone. Flashpoint is gone.
And what about your city and state? Perhaps you don’t have such an evangelist coming. Remember this isn't about big name evangelists. It's about the new move of what God is doing.
As I have continued to pray into what is next, the Holy Spirit reminded me that next move of God isn’t about names but about those who are willing to steward revival.
It is about hunger for Him and the fear of the Lord. This is a word to you as well, because as intercessors we are stewarding that revival. We are birthing it and then we must steward it!
I want to encourage you to pray and ask God for next steps for you and for those in your prayer team and church How do we move forward? I believe part of the answer is found in Ps. 93 which we will pray this week.
Don’t give up intercessor. We are holding the line. I will continue to share over the next few weeks what the Lord is showing me on how to take back our cities. And how we can faithfully steward the revival which has begun.
Father, we lift our hands in worship. We declare that You reign and are clothed with majesty. You have clothed yourself in strength. Indeed the world is firmly established and it will NOT be moved.
We declare that your throne is firmly established from the beginning of time and from everlasting. Despite the challenges we see, You are the one who can and will save us.
The floods (indicative of a river of God’s prosperity—health, safety, wealth & blessing) have lifted up their voice more than the sound of the breakers and waves which have threatened to overwhelm us, but they shall not!
O Lord, You are exalted above the sound of their voices and threats. More than their devious plans and breakers of the sea. For You O Lord are mighty!
Grant us relief in these days of adversity until a pit is dug for the wicked.
I declare Your witness and Your Kingdom are confirmed in (your city), (your state) and (your nation.) You reign and holiness will be restored to Your Church as revival and the fear of the Lord sweep across our land. Wash us and we will be whiter than snow. Cleanse us O Lord and remove any wicked way from us that we would be Your Church, spotless and white ready to do Your bidding and see Your plan and purposes performed in our nation.
Revive our pastors and leaders who are called by Your name. May they feel Your power to raise up Your Kingdom and not their own. I declare unity in my city that we will see the fire of God purge (your city) from unrighteousness, corruption and pride to return to the fear of the Lord.
Ps 93, Ps 94:13
Standing together,   
Karen Hardin      
PS - Don't forget that Thursday is the National Day of Prayer for our nation. Scroll down for the link to the NDP website and what is happening in Tulsa if you live in my area.
Don't forget Wednesday is our day to fast and pray corporately.
If this ministry has been a blessing, would you consider joining our $25/mo sponsors?
All gifts are tax-deductible. THANK YOU!
City-by-City Prayer Network is a ministry of Destiny Builders, Inc.
Prophetic Governmental Insights
& Words of Encouragement
1. How do we steward what has begun in our own cities? A SHIFT has begun. Click here to see what has launched and what we must recognize. Or go to:
To learn more about the SHIFT that positions us for transformation and revival, Click here to order a copy of the new book by Ron McIntosh. He has stewarded revival for years and this book holds a key to this next move of the Spirit. ($24.99 to ship Jun 15.)
3. It’s time we were provoked to a next level with God and to revival. Bill Johnson said he was provoked by one thing and moved from spectator to active involvement. We need to as well. Click here for that powerful word and what Mario Murillo said about this coming revival.
To automatically receive prophetic and governmental insights from my blog you can sign up using the yellow box on this page.
Light & Remnant is a part of Destiny Builders ministry. If this ministry has blessed you would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to assist us?
Thank you for helping us continue this work!
May 5, 2022
Don't forget this Thursday is the National Day of Prayer.
Let's set aside time to pray that day for our nation to see a return to the fear of the Lord and steward this new move of the Spirit in our cities and states.
For those in the Tulsa area, Pastor Sharon Daugherty will again be leading this event which will be held at GUTS Church (9120 E Broken Arrow Expressway, Tulsa)
from 11:30-1 p.m.
Find out what is happening in your area. If nothing, consider leading something!
THIS is our time. THIS is the hour.
Let's do it!
Don't forget to continue to pray for your city!
The city prayer declaration is available here.
TESTIMONIES: Find out what God is doing through this movement. Click here.
Previous Week's Prayers Available
START HERE - Breakthrough Prayer for America and your City
click here to download the previous prayers.
(Year 1 prayer topics available on the website. Click the link above.)
Week 48 - God Desires Good Government
Week 49 - Happy Birthday America - May Freedom Reign
Week 50 - Lord Raise Up a President
Week 51 - Tell them to "Keep Your Gifts!"
Week 52 - Casting Down Lofty Places
Week 53 - Give us Godly Leaders
Week 54 - Stop the Supreme Court Coup
Week 55 - He is Your Protector
Week 56 - Proclaiming Goliath's Defeat
Week 57 - Eyes Wide Open
Week 58 - Rescue!
Week 59 - Supernatural Courage
Week 60 - Armor Up!
Week 61 - Separating the Sheep & the Goats
Week 62 - Standing Against Lawlessness
Week 63 - Targeting the True Terrorists
Week 64 - Reclaim October in Your City
Week 65 - Transform the Educational System
Week 66 - One Last Shaking
Week 67 - The Great Fall
Week 68 - May the Fear of the Lord Fill our Land
Week 69 - Release the Political Prisoners
Week 70 - Fight for Life
Week 71 - Binding Leviathan
Week 72 - Don't Lay Down your Sword
Week 73 - Like Mary...
Week 74 - Are you ready?
Week 75 - Over Declaration Over America and 2022
Week 76 - What About Trump?
Week 77 - Proclaim Your City a City of Light
Week 78 - Bind the Strongman
Week 79 - Discernment is Essential
Week 80 - We must focus on the kingpin!
Week 81 - Calling for a Convention of States
Week 82 - URGENT CALL for Mercy WITH Justice
Week 83 - Deliver Us from Evil
Week 84 - Deliver Us from Foolishness
Week 85 - Are You a Watchman for Your City?
Week 86 - Stop the Health System Takeover
Week 87 - Protect Our Supreme Court
Week 88 - The Hidden Weapon of Offense
Week 89 - Timing is Everything
Week 90 - A Time of Deliverance
Week 91 - A Time for Justice!
Week 92 - How to Steward Revival for Your City
* * *
Do you know others who would be willing to join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation and stand for their city?
Please have them go to: to register their cities. Help us raise up the remnant.
REMINDER- Each week we will focus on a strategic area in prayer together.
Watch your inbox at the beginning of each week for the
prayer decree and strategy for that week.
Have you experienced an injustice by an evil judgment, censored, silenced or unjustly removed?
If you have faced backlash where the response to an action was over-the-top extreme to what took place, did you know it is a set-up for God’s vindication and blessing IF you walk through God’s process?
Read Chapter 1 FREE! Click here
Breakthrough is within the pages of this book! To purchase click here.
Price: $14.99, 2 for $25 or 5 for $55 + shipping
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, Western Journal, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma,, The Elijah List, etc.
She and her husband, Kevin, have ministered in many Asian countries for the last 30 years and Karen has been involved in prayer and action in governmental areas.
For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: or you can contact her at or


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