"Regardless of your level of understanding of current affairs, as I sat at the table with the Lord, I asked Him, "What is our current response needed for what the world is facing? Where are things are headed?"

 "There is so much more going on including Iran's military buildup on the Israeli boarder with Russia controlling the air space. China doing military practices near Taiwan that are provoking a response from the U.S. and more.

 "Yet despite it all, I felt His peace wash over me with an assurance that we have moved into a new day…

 "Then I saw a picture in my mind immediately after I asked the Lord what my responsibility is in this hour. I saw a HUGE jar of oil that I have in my pantry!!! This was followed by two thoughts:

 The woman who had a little oil and a little flour on hand that God used to multiply. I believe this means we will need supernatural intervention in the days ahead on many levels. But practically speaking, now is a good time to practice asking and hearing from the Lord what should be our response to what is going on.

  1. The second thought I had when I saw the oil jar was regarding the10 virgins. Five had oil, and five did not. I know you all know this, but now is the time to go “buy” oil. To sit with Jesus in the secret place and cultivate intimacy. (This is spiritual and natural.)

 "I feel impressed to share this because I had a dream about 6 years ago that matches some of what I saw this week in Ukraine. In the dream the place of peace was a plunge pool where it was deep intimacy with Jesus.

 "We are not to fear for we are full of perfect love. If I can encourage you with what the Lord said to me at breakfast today, it was to, "Go 'buy' oil."

 "We have friends who have family members trapped in this mess in Ukraine. Families who walked 50 miles to get to the border. When they arrived in Poland, the Ukraine army made the men and teenage sons stay in Ukraine while the women and children said good-bye to their fathers and sons and watch as they were sent back into the war.

 "They were hungry, tired and broken-hearted. This is real time pain. I can’t help but wonder how we would feel if we were there.

 "Today let us pray for Ukraine like we would want the believers there to pray for us if it were the ones trapped and they were free. Many are our brothers and sisters. We are the Church."

 Our Father sees and He hears our cry’s on their behalf. Many of them are too broken to even pray and too shocked to speak. Let’s do it for them!


Karen Hardin

Charisma News Article: The People's Convoy Doesn't Pass the Smell Test

Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc.

She and her husband, Kevin, have ministered in many Asian countries for the last 30 years and Karen has been involved in prayer and action in governmental areas.

For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.com or you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org or www.destinybuilders.world



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