Prophetic word released on February 7, 2022:

Last week I was asking the Lord what was on His heart for the pioneers when my spirit began to flood with His thoughts and insight, so I quickly took out my phone and wrote down what came to me.

The Pen, the Key, and the New Chapter

The first thing that came to me was a vision where I was holding a pen, a key, and a book opened in the middle to a new chapter with blank pages. I instantly knew we were shifting from one chapter to another; there is something God wants us to pioneer this year onwards to fill those pages.

As I was thinking about this, I heard these words in my spirit: "It's up to us to write the future. We must write history!" We aren't powerless in the storyline that's taking place right now; in fact, God wants us to be the writers and authors with Him of what takes place.

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