"God's Fireball of Faith Is Consuming the Root of Fear"


Recently I went into an encounter with the Lord where I saw many people, all across the Body of Christ, paralyzed with fear. I saw a crippling, tormenting fear that these people were experiencing. When I looked closer, I saw that it was actually a "ROOT" of fear. In other words: it was a stronghold of fear.

I saw these ones on their faces, crying out to the Lord for deliverance; crying out for freedom. There was a loud sound of repentance that was flowing from within their hearts, and I watched as tears flowed. There was a deep repentance for fear, a deep repentance for unbelief, a deep repentance for not trusting the Lord, and at the same time, there was a deep, deep yearning for a fresh baptism of fire—the fire of His love.

I watched as the Lord began to stretch them on the inside. The GROAN they were making was creating room for the fresh fire, the fresh impartation, the fresh baptism of fire.

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